EN | IT – Card. Reinhard Marx, president of Comece (Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community) released at Vatican Radio this comment about Pope Francis’ speech on the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome (25 March, 2017).
EN | IT – Following the meeting with the European leaders in the Vatican, during which Pope Francis delivered a strong message for Europe, the Pontiff visited one of its most vital and emblematic centers. The Pope’s journey in the Archdiocese of Milan was brief but packed with events. The occasion, the 60th anniversary of the treaties that marked the beginning of the process of european unification, came in a time of crisis, of fear and bewilderment towards new and disturbing, though predictable, scenarios.

The Catholic Bishops of Europe published a Statement in view of the upcoming European elections. In this text, they reaffirm their support for the European project. They encourage all citizens of the European Union to go to the polling booths on the 22nd and 25th May, and to start engaging, during the run-up to the election, in constructive dialogue with their MEP’s and those who are candidates for seats. At the same time, COMECE invites the Bishops’ conferences in the EU, to adopt this text, either by using it as an Election Statement as such or as an inspiration for their own election statements.
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«Given the importance of the means of social communication, the Church in Europe must necessarily pay particular attention to the multi-faceted world of the mass media. This would include, among other things: the adequate training of Christians who work in the field of communications and of those who make use of the media, for a better understanding of the new kinds of language employed in the media. Special attention should be given to choosing properly trained persons to communicate the message through the media. It would also prove very helpful to have an exchange of information and of strategies between the Churches about different aspects and initiatives concerning this communication. Nor should the creation of local instruments of social communications be neglected, also on the parish level». Continue
(Ecclesia in Europa, 63)
Read the full text of "Ecclesia in Europa" in different languages:EN | IT | FR | ES | DE