Posts From Paolo Bustaffa

Europe in Aldo Moro’s project

L’Europa nel disegno di Aldo Moro

EN | IT – It is a ground for gratitude and hope to resume Moro’s European thought 100 years after his birth (1916-2016) and three months after the start of the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome (25th March 1957). It is also important to remember that last February 24th, because of his look which went higher and farther, a room at the European Parliament was dedicated to the Italian statesman.

That flag in the Wyd

Quella bandiera alla Gmg

EN | IT – What message will young people in Europe bring to Europe after the experience of World Youth Day in Krakow? To what extent will this global event leave traces? What consequences will the words of Pope Francis have specifically in the European context ransacked in several places and for different reasons? At the resumption of their commitments to research and work what extra soul will young people bring to the society, culture and politics of individual European countries, of the European Union and more broadly of Europe? Who will accompany them?

For Europe young people with two qualities

Per l’Europa giovani con due qualità

EN | IT – “The future belongs to the young. But beware, young people with two qualities: young people with wings and young people with roots”. With these words Pope Francis on the 4th September, 2014 addressed the participants of the III Congress of “Scholas occurrentes”, the “World Network of schools for meeting,” which brings together educational realities of different cultures and religions and that was founded at the request of the Pope himself. And these same words come to mind looking at the flood of young people from all around the world arrived in Krakow for the XXXI World Youth Day.

We, the children of that dream

Noi, figli di quel sogno

EN | IT – The pope, on receiving the Charlemagne Prize at the Vatican, invited to update the idea of Europe to reach “a Europe capable of giving birth to a new humanism based on three capacities: the capacity to integrate, the capacity for dialogue and the capacity to generate”. Right here emerges the historical task of European Christians who are called to mark the difference between a realism that is not subject to complexity but with courage governs it and a pessimism that surrenders to difficulties, often becoming prisoner of it out of fear.

Young people’s vision

Lo sguardo dei giovani

EN | IT – Young people love Europe. You easily realize it when you listen to them telling us about Erasmus or their journeys to other European countries. You come across a beautiful and transparent sentiment, but this sentiment should grow into a political thought, a political project, and a political commitment. This is why it is so important to create places and propose moments in which the new European generations can meet to update a “dream”, to elaborate a new thought, to come into play, and to give a high meaning to their life – a meaning which is deeply rooted into their fields of origin and in the conviviality of different fields, which corresponds to the vocation of Europe.