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Trafficking in human beings in euro-mediterranean area

La tratta di esseri umani nell’area euro-mediterranea

EN | IT – On the occasion of World day against trafficking in human beings, 30 July, the network of Caritas organisations from the Euro-Mediterranean area launch a new report to cast the spotlight on the poor level of prevention of trafficking in conflict and post-conflict situations. Because of that, many vulnerable people who are fleeing from danger end up in the nets of unscrupulous criminals every year.

Ideology of the New Right in Hungary

L’ideologia della nuova destra in Ungheria

EN | IT | FR | DE – In contrast to the Fascist movements of the early 20th century, neo-right parties in Europe no longer pursue the objective of the abolition of liberal democracy, but its internal “transformation” through an ethnic consolidation of the political sphere. The Fascist differentiation between master races and inferior races has been replaced by the principle of peaceful co-existence between different ethnicities. The ideology of the so-called “ethnopluralism” affirms the concept of human rights, but erodes their universal substance with a racial interpretation of the term “nation”.

Laudato si’: it also affects Europe

Laudato si’: riguarda anche l’Europa

EN | IT – Pope Francis addressed his encyclical letter Laudato si’ on care for our human home to every person living on the planet. It has received an overwhelming echo all over the world. Most of the reactions have been positive. Indeed the Holy Father has expressed the single issue for our times that most concerns humanity. Pope Francis has not only spoken to all but he spoke on behalf of all of us. He has done so very modestly by taking into account the teaching of his predecessors, of fellow bishops and other religious leaders, by accepting the insights of modern science and by refusing to offer political remedies and technical fixes.

Alarm signals for the nuclear weapons

Segnale allarmante per le armi nucleari

EN | IT | FR | DE – After a whole month of negotiations, the ninth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) did not manage to adopt a final document on 22 May 2015. Even though the draft text put before the Conference contained no new substantial measure, the failure can be laid at the door of three countries – United States, Britain and Canada – that refused to approve the proposal to convene, by March 2016 at the latest, a conference to create a zone in the Middle East that would be free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction. Yet agreement in principle on this zone had been reached in 1995 as a condition for the indefinite extension of the NPT.

Why are young Muslims leaving Europe to go to war?

Perché giovani musulmani lasciano l’Europa per andare alla guerra?

EN | IT | FR | DE – On its websites, IS (Islamic State) claims that more than 10,000 young Jihadists from Africa and Europe are fighting in its ranks. The intelligence services of the Member States of the European Union confirm these reports and their governments have issued directives and guidelines to prevent young Muslims, both male and female, from leaving for Syria or Iraq.

Paris, the day after

Parigi, il giorno dopo

EN | IT | FR – The day after the largest demonstration France can remember, Paris is not a city like any other. The attacks of the last few days were supposed to strike a deliberate blow to the founding values of our common identity. This goes to show that these values should not be taken for granted: they are not given once and for all; and their absence does not apply only to other remote civilizations in time and space. Rather, this shows that these values are alive and, therefore, fragile, to be cherished and nourished every day.