Posts From Hans Vöcking

Why are young Muslims leaving Europe to go to war?

Perché giovani musulmani lasciano l’Europa per andare alla guerra?

EN | IT | FR | DE – On its websites, IS (Islamic State) claims that more than 10,000 young Jihadists from Africa and Europe are fighting in its ranks. The intelligence services of the Member States of the European Union confirm these reports and their governments have issued directives and guidelines to prevent young Muslims, both male and female, from leaving for Syria or Iraq.

Attacks that need to be explained

Attacchi da spiegare

EN | IT | FR | DE – The attack on “Charlie Hebdo” and the Jewish supermarket, leaving too many people dead, was an attack carried out in the name of Islam and Muhammad upon the European values of freedom of expression and religion. The concept of freedom is interpreted in a wide variety of ways in our contemporary world, and people draw different conclusions from their understanding of it. European society is united in the view that freedom is never without limits for all and sundry, which is why the courts have to set boundaries.