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Christian Churches

Stop the drift of nationalism

Fermare le derive del nazionalismo

EN | IT – The Catholic Church in Europe speaks out publicly on the intensification of nationalist phenomena. She does it through the European network of the 31 national “Justice and Peace” commissions, by means of a document, The Nationalism of Exclusion, which opens, along with other proposals, the Concerted Action 2015.

Zizioulas, a true master

Zizioulas, un vero maestro

EN | IT – “A true master” who has traced the road for the present and future of our academic community. This is the definition given by Cardinal Angelo Scola, Archbishop of Milan and Grand Chancellor of the University of Northern Italy’s School of Theology, to describe Johannis Zizioulas, Metropolitan of Pergamum, when the Orthodox scholar was awarded an honorary degree by the same university on January 24.

Human dignity as basis of peace

La dignità umana fondamento della pace

EN | IT | FR | DE | ES – Human dignity is given by God and is absolute. The ongoing conflict assaults the dignity of both Palestinians and Israelis, but in a particular way our commitment to the poor calls us to lift up the suffering people in Gaza (Statement of the Co-ordination of Bishops’ Conferences in support of the Church in the Holy Land)

The Eu must be stronger against the trafficking

Ue più forte contro la tratta

EN | IT | FR – It is assessed that over 800,000 women, men and children are the victims, today, of trafficking in human beings within the EU. Almost 60% of the victims come from one of the countries of the Union. It’s becoming urgent for the EU and its member states to put into effect the existing legal framework and to intensify the cooperation with civil society and the religious organizations working with the victims on a local level. This is one of the main messages coming from the Seminar for a Dialogue with the European Commission organized on November 27th by Comece and by the Commission “Eglise et Société” of Cec, in collaboration with Ccme.

A new era in Evangelical-Catholic relations

Una nuova era nelle relazioni cattolici-evangelicali

EN | IT – Last week it was my privilege to meet Pope Francis for the third time. I first met him after his installation. This past summer, at his invitation, I visited him in his home for a three-hour private, non-scripted conversation. Last Thursday I led a 24-person delegation of leaders from the World Evangelical Alliance for an historic official meeting. During each encounter I recognised his warmth, authenticity, sense of humour and depth of spirituality. This only confirmed what I was told by our Evangelical colleagues from Argentina who know Pope Francis well from the time when he was still Cardinal Bergoglio.

Identity and mission of the Eastern Catholic Churches

Identità e missione delle Chiese orientali cattoliche

EN | IT | FR | DE – The annual meeting of the Eastern Catholic Hierarchs of Europe was held in Lviv (Ukraine), on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the legalization of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, at the invitation of His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk, Archbishop Major of Kyiv-Halyč. In Lviv, 45 Eastern Catholic bishops in Europe have been discussing the identity and mission of the Eastern Catholic Churches in the ecumenical movement and in European societies.

A Europe of fraternity

Une Europe de la fraternité

EN | FR | IT – Quasi mezzo secolo fa, mentre il Concilio Vaticano II si avvicinava alla conclusione, i vescovi della Polonia presero l’iniziativa d’inviare una lettera ai loro confratelli dell’episcopato tedesco. Nel loro messaggio, perdonavano e chiedevano perdono e desideravano “salutare e ringraziare i fratelli protestanti tedeschi” per il loro impegno nel “trovare soluzioni alle difficoltà” che avevano diviso i due popoli. Questo esempio spiega i diversi possibili punti di contatto tra il cammino ecumenico e la costruzione europea: il peso della storia, la gravità delle divisioni, la necessità del perdono.